Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mengapa Khotbah Ekspositori?

Setidaknya ada 3 model dasar khotbah yang dikenal : topikal, tekstual dan ekspositori. Dalam perkembangannya juga muncul khotbah naratif. Tentu masing-masing model mempunyai kekuatan dan keterbatasannya. Mengapa saya mencintai khotbah ekspositori?

Khotbah Ekspositori adalah khotbah yang mempresentasikan kebenaran alkitabiah, yang diperoleh dari suatu proses eksegesis dan penafsiran yang sesuai dengan makna asli teks Alkitab tersebut, di mana Roh Kudus mengaplikasikannya pertama kali kepada diri sang pengkhotbah, sebelum ia, dengan kuasa Roh Kudus, mengaplikasikannya kepada jemaat.

Tentu, ini pilihan saya untuk mencintai khotbah ekspositori. Tidak berarti saya hanya memakai khotbah model ini, saya juga kadangkala berkhotbah secara topikal dan tekstual. Tidak berarti khotbah topikal dan tekstual buruk. Ini masalah selera dan pilihan yang paling pas di hati, seperti memilih istri. Ada aspek rasional tetapi juga aspek emosional.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the beautiful blog. And thanks for pointing me to this. I long that it'd be great mines and aids for busy pastors. Yes, truly the expository sermon tries to be faithful to the text. Yet I regretted of my past lessons in seminary since the so called expository jumps from the texts to busy its preacher built points, which are orderly and contemporary (passing over times and places), and I think it undermines the beau rich of the litetary. The proof texts for the points actually are not the expression of the literary, but the logical order of the preacher. E.g., point 1 is built from the narrative one, yet point 2 from the poetic, and point 3 "the direct speech" of the subject. Could this be justified? I don't think so. My further learning from the literary point of view takes me to read the text as faithfully as possible--that to make points for a semon needs not overcome the structure and genre of the text. May God bless this ministry. Nindyo S.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the beautiful blog. I long that it'd be great mines and aids for busy pastors. Yes, truly the expository sermon tries to be faithful to the text. Yet I regretted of my past lessons in seminary since the so called expository jumps from the texts to busy its preacher built points, which are orderly and contemporary (passing over times and places), and I think it undermines the beau rich of the litetary. The proof texts for the points actually are not the expression of the literary, but the logical order of the preacher. E.g., point 1 is built from the narrative one, yet point 2 from the poetic, and point 3 "the direct speech" of the subject. Could this be justified? I don't think so. My further learning from the literary point of view takes me to read the text as faithfully as possible--that to make points for a semon needs not overcome the structure and genre of the text. May God bless this ministry. Nindyo S.